Sorry, this contest is now
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So it doesn't look so hot from the scan; it looks better than this. Really. Anyway.... So this is the prize:
CONTEST ENDS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 18 @ 9:00pm Mountain Time.

This bookmark features:
- high-end scrap-booking paper,
- front-and-back graphics,
- high-resolution laser print of Mr. Center's original masterpiece,
- and tip-top hand-stretched lamination.
But that's not all!
If you act now, you might also win as sconce for this timeless artwork, a RANDOM BOOK TAKEN FROM MR. CENTER'S VERY OWN POETRY SHELF!
So how, you might ask, does one enter such a titillating contest as this (you can tell just how exciting it is by all the ridiculous text effects, right?)? Easy! Just follow these TWO simple steps:
- Register as an official FOLLOWER of the blog.
- Post a comment to this entry. (Keep it clean.)
Entering the contest does not guarantee that you'll win something, unless you're the only one, which, let's face it, is actually kind of likely. The entrants' comments, no matter how witty or wondrous, will only kind of and possibly be taken into consideration in the final decision; most likely, I'll just have one of my kids read through the names and pick an entrant at their whim and based on whatever frivolous criteria they might invent in the moment. The future winner having specified (if he/she specified) a type of poetry or a particular poet in his/her comment does not guarantee that such will be the book used to hold and protect the wonderful bookmark (that was a really awkward sentence; sorry). Finally ,when it comes right down to it, I'm unlikely to separate myself from a favorite book; though all the books on my shelves are good, and the selected book will indeed be one taken from my shelves. Questions? Post 'em! Cheers.
Hey Mr. Center! I've been home from school sick for a few days, so today I decided rather than studying for my exams (I mean, why would I want to do that...) I would finally start reading with you guys, since before I couldn't because I'd left EoE at home (I guess there is an upside to having mono afterall.) So, I just finished chapter 5, where Steinbeck describes the family. I'm confused though, Samuel had four sons. I'm assuming you have drawn George because of the halo, Will because of the money, and Joe because he went to college, but where is Tom? Just curious. =]
ReplyDeleteWell, heck, I could say the contest is done already! Applicable story: When I was in high school, I was the designated t-shirt designer for just about every organization--band, drama, senior class (three of them), track, and whatever else. No fewer than four times (it took me that long to get it right) I designed t-shirts with mispelled words, wrong names, and once the wrong logo. If I were a genius, I could call myself the absent-minded professor. I'm not a genius, so I don't know what to call myself! Britany, you're right. I forgot a character. Oh, well. That should make this ridiculous bookmark that much more valuable when I'm rich and famous!
ReplyDeleteGood to have you here!
Hahaha. Thats awesome. I figured there was a reason behind it. Its still really good. =]
ReplyDeleteHey, Mr. Center. Okay, so, I just got EoE today. I had to go to the library, get a card, go through all the normal read-the-rules-then-sign-here and then you're good. (Oh, and for a moment, I thought I was going to have to have someone forge a parent signature, too, but it turns out I don't need one because I'm 20! The girl thought I was 16 or something. It's probably the torn up jeans and the Tinkerbell shirt. Mostly the shirt.) So, I finally got the book in my not-so-grubby-little-hands and I haven't even made it through the first page yet (I will as soon as I'm done with this. I promise). So, anyways, I need a bookmark. Oh, yes, I have "bookmarks". They consist of scraps of paper and envelopes and sticky notes and other things I find lying on the living room floor. Or the kitchen floor. Or the table. Or under the couch... Anyways, I have no respect for them as bookmarks. I mean, they try. But, sooner or later, they just end up back on the floor and are therefore demoted to trash once again. It's kind of sad. But, they just don't cut it. So, I really need a bookmark. Besides that, a poetry book!??!? I hardly own any poetry books and I love poetry. That, and my own creative juices seem to have almost evaporated and it makes me sad. So, I need poetry. But, right now, I need to at least finish the first page of EoE.
Hi, Karli! Duly noted. Any particular type of poetry? As far as EoE stuff, I'm lloking forward to hearing what you think about it. (My little girl approves of your tshirt selection.)
ReplyDeleteWell, I've always had a soft spot for my "mad poets", as I'm pretty sure you remember. Anne Sexton is one of my favorites. Sylvia Plath is pretty good as well. However, I'm not sure you have any of those. If not...I have a list of random poets that might tickle my fancy that you could choose from. I haven't read poetry in a while so I'm kinda rusty on my poets. But here's a list: Auden, Frost, Bly, Graves, Federico Garcia Lorca, Marianne Moore, D.S. Lawrence, T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, Ranier Maria Rilke, Philip Larkin. I could name more. But anyways, that should give you an idea.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that your little girl approves. I always did like Tink more than other Disney characters. She's spunky. Like me. :]
I'm looking forward to doing your reading questions. I miss Language-Arts. Sometimes I just want to go back to High School. Hahahaha.
I just realized that I typed out "D.S. Lawrence" instead of "D.H. Lawrence". Hahahaha. I'm sure you knew it was supposed to be D.H. anyways.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. I got it! ;) And at this rate (just 30 minutes from closing), I'm kinda thinking I'm going to make you and Britany co-winners. We'll see....